Windows command line utility
dtf2ged Copyright (c) ChalkTrauma, DreamCycle Studios 2007. All rights reserved. 1.0.0 Jan 8 2008 @ 23:36:27 USAGE: dft2ged [-f <string>] [-o <string>] [-r] [-s] [-i] [-I] [-n] [-d] [-p] [--] [--version] [-h] <fileNameString> ... Where: -f <string>, --date_format <string> how to identify dates (regex) default: (\bFROM\b|\bTO\b|\bABT\b|\bBEF\b|\bAFT\b|\bBET\b|<|>|\~ |\(\xB1\))*( )*(((\b[0-9]{1}\b|\b[0-9]{2}\b)( )+(\bJAN\b|\bFEB\b |\bMAR\b|\bAPR\b|\bMAY\b|\bJUN\b|\bJUL\b|\bAUG\b|\bSEP\b|\bOCT\b |\bNOV\b|\bDEC\b)( )+(\b[0-9]{4}\b))|((\bJAN\b|\bFEB\b|\bMAR\b|\bAPR\b |\bMAY\b|\bJUN\b|\bJUL\b|\bAUG\b|\bSEP\b|\bOCT\b|\bNOV\b|\bDEC\b)( )+([0-9]{1}|[0-9]{2})( )+(\b[0-9]{4}\b))|((\bJAN\b|\bFEB\b|\bMAR\b |\bAPR\b|\bMAY\b|\bJUN\b|\bJUL\b|\bAUG\b|\bSEP\b|\bOCT\b|\bNOV\b |\bDEC\b)( )+(\b[0-9]{4}\b))|((\b[0-9]{1}\b)|(\b[0-9]{2}\b))( )+(\bJAN\b|\bFEB\b|\bMAR\b|\bAPR\b|\bMAY\b|\bJUN\b|\bJUL\b|\bAUG\b |\bSEP\b|\bOCT\b|\bNOV\b|\bDEC\b)|(\bJAN\b|\bFEB\b|\bMAR\b|\bAPR\b |\bMAY\b|\bJUN\b|\bJUL\b|\bAUG\b|\bSEP\b|\bOCT\b|\bNOV\b|\bDEC\b) |(\b[0-9]{4}\b)) -o <string>, --output <string> output file -r, --recurse Recurse through file system.. -s, --show Show list file comments. -i, --info Show file info and quit. -I, --Ignore Ignore all errors and keep processing. -n, --note Add DFT info filed to end of note entry. -d, --detailed Maximum verbosity.. -p, --place_check Check PLAC field for date string.. --, --ignore_rest Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag. --version Displays version information and exits. -h, --help Displays usage information and exits. <fileNameString> (accepted multiple times) file names Convert a dft file to a GEDCOM file.
c:\>dft2ged -i Processed file: Code page: Cp1252 Version: v10.02 Individuals: 1019 Families: 284 Total: 1303The app will exit immediately on an error. A good example of this is a readonly or locked file. If you want to continue processing files even though one failed use the -I switch to tell the app to ignore errors. You can also use this tool recursively by using the -r switch to recurse through directories. The filename can be replaced by a file that contains a list of files to be processed. This is specified by a '@' before the file name, for example: dft2ged @myfiles.lst -s This will look for the file myfiles.lst and process those files. List files can contain references to other list files by using the same syntax as the command line. List files are just text files, with one file name per line, as mentioned before, these filenames may also be file lists denoted by an '@' before the name. Don't worry about circular references or duplicate entries as they are ignored during processing. List files can contain comments inth e form: ;this is a comment If you want to view the comments as they are processed use the -s switch.